Speaking with Power!

Posted: September 22, 2009 in Uncategorized

I always enjoy sitting in on sales presentations. It could be members of my team or a sales professional presenting to me. I find myself very attentive to the way they ask questions. Calling out specific words and phrases they use to present. I’ve noticed that there are essential differences that help drive or deflect a sale.

For example recently I was on a conference call where I was being being sold a service. Honestly the product had some interesting points but really wasn’t all that strong. However, I tuned into the presenter because I noted she used phrasing that lead to a close. Here are a few that I picked up from our conversation:

  • When you choose …”
  • When you come on board we do…”
  • As part of your service we first help you with …”
  • Which part of the features you’ve seen will be the most crucial to your team

Do you see the pattern?

All the phrases above assume I’m going to purchase. She used phrases that not only assumed the sale but also articulated what I could expect when I purchased. She solidified this even further by questioning which features will be most valuable to me. I’m thinking to myself “wow she’s good I need to hirer her”.

What do you think my impression would have been if she would have used phrases like:

  • If you choose..”
  • If you come on board”

Remember words like “if” provide a foundation for doubt – “When” provides a foundation for “when do I sign you up?” or “What are the next steps moving forward?” “How soon would you like to get started?”

While I’m not going to purchase the product of this company, I was sold on the sales person. Hmmm…. maybe a I need to go hirer a new sales person.

Happy Selling!

  1. Chris Conrey says:

    Assume the close, speak as if…. Great reminder of what makes the difference between a good salesman and an average one.

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